Why Become a Personal Dog Park Sponsor?
Your financial support will help provide the park maintenance and supplies necessary to keep the park open and running smoothly. The Paw Park is an all volunteer group so 100% of your donation goes towards costs. There are no tax dollars or city funds going towards the park. The dog park is made possible with the assistance of generous people like yourself. Help make The Paw Park a dog-friendly city.
Personal Sponsorship Form
The Paw Park is a federally approved 501c3 tax exempt non-profit organization. This means your donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. We currently accept donations by:
- - Online using our Personal Sponsorship Form or PayPal
- - Mail donations to: Amherst Conservations, Recreation and Parks Foundation Inc. | c/o 83 Burroughs Drive | Amherst, NY 14226
- - At one of our many fundraisers **Check Events for upcoming fundraisers
- - Our drop box at The Paw Park
Donate at The Paw Park fundraisers, The Paw Park is currently busy doing many different fundraisers trying to make local residents aware of our organization, as well as raise money to pay for the development and continued maintenance of this off leash dog-park in Amherst. Many fundraisers are held to support The Paw Park, but are not organized directly by The Paw Park. These fundraisers are NOT part of the Business Sponsorship campaign. Feel free to speak with a Paw Park volunteer at these events to discuss the opportunities to become a Business Sponsor. Please see the events page for a list of upcoming events where you can help. Thanks!